The Kingsbrook School

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Vision for Careers Education, Information, Advice and guidance

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) will be an integral part of the student experience at TKS. From the first cohort in year 7 up to year 13, students will participate in a comprehensive, appropriately sequenced and planned careers programme that enables them to develop their character, identify their strengths and passions, to flourish and progress to their next steps in education, employment or training. The careers programme has been designed to develop key employability and enterprise skills, with local labour market information in mind, to help students identify the right career path for them.

Character & Careers

At The Kingsbrook School we believe that educating a child about their character provides them with the essential foundation they need to lead a fulfilling and purposeful adult life. The school’s core virtues of ambition, resilience, confidence and compassion support students’ learning about CEIAG, where explicit links are made between these and the other virtues that are critical to progression to further learning and employment. Students are supported to explore the character virtues required for particular professions and to reflect on how to develop their own character to broaden their skills and expertise, and enhance their applications for future opportunities and roles.

Careers Leaders (ID 1288)RAchel Selby

 – Rachel Selby - Careers Lead: 

Steve Evans – Careers Link Governor:

The Gatsby benchmarks 

Gatsby Benchmark 1: Ensuring a stable careers programme for all students

This Kingsbook School Annual Careers Strategy & programme is a document that outlines the planned careers programme for Years 7 – 13. It is approved by the Local Governing Body (LGB) and evaluated annually against the eight Gatsby Benchmarks using Compass+, the outcomes of this evaluation will be scrutinized by the LGB and published on the school’s website. The programme identifies how each of the Gatsby Benchmarks are met, Compass+ is used to record, track and report on individual students’ experience of the programme.


Provider access statement

There are a number of opportunities within the careers programme for other educational providers to access students at the school so that students’ full entitlement to CEIAG is met. Students are entitled to: 

  • find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point; 
  • hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events;
  • understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses. 

These opportunities include events integrated into the school careers programme, which enable providers to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers, assemblies, open evenings, and options evenings. The school will make an appropriate venue available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available projectors and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the careers lead or a member of the pastoral team. Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature at the school’s reception. These will be available to students in the school library. 

The Kingsbrook School careers programme.

A provider wishing to request access should contact: Rachel Selby Email: Telephone:  01296 761401

 Are you a student?

Useful links

Career Pilot
We use Career Pilot in school
There is lots of information and quizzes 

National Careers Service
Lots of career information, CV writing and job profiles

A bank of careers videos and a fun careers quiz

A bank of careers videos

Lots of job profiles

Health Careers

Not Going to Uni
Lots of information for those not intending to go to university

Government Apprenticeship Information
Searchable site listing apprenticeship vacancies and useful advice

Amazing Apprenticeships
Lots of information about apprenticeships

Get My First Job
Advice about job searching and apprenticeship vacancies

The Big Choice
Advice about searching for jobs and apprenticeship vacancies

All About School Leavers
Jobs and Apprenticeships

Career Map
Jobs and apprenticeships

Careers Newsletters

Careers Newsletters

Useful links

Career Pilot
We use Career Pilot in school
There is lots of information and quizzes 

National Careers Service
Lots of career information, CV writing and job profiles

A bank of careers videos and a fun careers quiz

A bank of careers videos

Lots of job profiles

Health Careers

Not Going to Uni
Lots of information for those not intending to go to university

Government Apprenticeship Information
Searchable site listing apprenticeship vacancies and useful advice

Amazing Apprenticeships
Lots of information about apprenticeships

Get My First Job
Advice about job searching and apprenticeship vacancies

The Big Choice
Advice about searching for jobs and apprenticeship vacancies

All About School Leavers
Jobs and Apprenticeships

Career Map
Jobs and apprenticeships

Rate My Apprenticeship
Apprenticeships, advice and more

Universities and Colleges Admissions Service
Lots of information about universities, apprenticeships and jobs

What Uni

The Uni Guide

Open Days

Uni Taster Days

Informed Choice

Are you a teacher?

 Resources for Education Leaders

Useful links

Career Pilot
We use Career Pilot in school
There is lots of information and quizzes 

National Careers Service
Lots of career information, CV writing and job profiles

A bank of careers videos and a fun careers quiz

A bank of careers videos

Lots of job profiles

Health Careers

Not Going to Uni
Lots of information for those not intending to go to university

Government Apprenticeship Information
Searchable site listing apprenticeship vacancies and useful advice

Amazing Apprenticeships
Lots of information about apprenticeships

Get My First Job
Advice about job searching and apprenticeship vacancies

The Big Choice
Advice about searching for jobs and apprenticeship vacancies

All About School Leavers
Jobs and Apprenticeships

Career Map
Jobs and apprenticeships

Rate My Apprenticeship
Apprenticeships, advice and more

Universities and Colleges Admissions Service
Lots of information about universities, apprenticeships and jobs

What Uni

The Uni Guide

Open Days

Uni Taster Days

Informed Choice

Are you an employer?

Are you a local employer who could give some time to support the careers education of young people in your community? 

If so, please contact

There are a number of careers events that rely on the support of local businesses and employers, such as career detectives day, discover the world of work, employer encounters and work experience opportunities. These are supported by the school’s enterprise coordinator and full training and support is given to volunteers ahead of any event.