The Kingsbrook School

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At The Kingsbrook School, we offer an extensive co-curriculum programme to engage our pupils in the wider aspects of the curriculum and to encourage our pupils to continue to develop their skills, hobbies and interests. 

Daily Prep

From 3pm to 4pm daily, our students are encouraged to stay for prep. This is a quiet, directed session for pupils to complete their homework in school and is supported by our assistant teachers. 

Co-Curricular Offer

In addition to prep, we offer a wide range of sports and activities for our pupils to attend. These include football, badminton, lego, drama, choir etc. 

The programme for these clubs are updated every half term and we listen to pupil voice and try to amend the offer based on the suggestions of our pupils. 

Autumn 2 - 2024 Programme

Our current co-curricular timetable is below:

autumn 2 2024 co curricular timetable.pdf


 Conditions of Co-Curriculum Registration

Pupils can attend prep on an adhoc basis throughout the school year. No bookings are required but all pupils must make their way to the allocated prep location for their year group for registration. 

For all other co-curriculum activities, we expect our pupils to show commitment to the course of session over a half term. No pre-booking is required and pupil automatically register for the club by attending during then first and second weeks of the offer. These are trial session and, from the third week onwards, registration is closed and no further pupils can join. We would expect pupils attending from this stage onwards to participate in the club every week. 

As part of our commitment to this co-curricular programme, we expect all pupils to attend our co-curriculum programme on a regular basis to fully embrace the wider life of being at The Kingsbrook School.