Parent-school communication
What is the Parent Portal?
The Parent Portal is a version of Arbor accessible to guardians on a laptop or computer. The Arbor App is the mobile version of our Parent Portal, for use on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
Initially, as we settle into our new systems, the information available in the parent portal will be fairly limited, but gradually we will open up more areas, and eventually reports and behaviour information (both positive and negative) will also be visible in real-time via the app.
To be ready for the new term, we suggest you log into the Parent Portal as soon as possible. To do this, go to Kingsbrook (, click on either “First time logging in?” or “Forgot your password?” - whichever appears for you - and add your email address. This must be the email address registered with school - that is, the email address where you receive messages and letters from us.
Follow the instructions and set a password. You will be asked for your child’s date of birth (if you have more than one child at The Kingsbrook School, it doesn’t matter which you enter).
Please have a look at the Meals line in the Accounts area and check it matches what you were expecting. It is easy to top-up your child’s dinner money account with a card payment by clicking through and selecting Top Up Account.
How do I get started with the Arbor App?
Downloading the Arbor App - Android
Go to your Play store and search for ‘Arbor’. Click the top option.
Click Install to download the Arbor App. Once it has installed, click Open.
Downloading the Arbor App - IOS
Go to your App Store and search ‘Arbor’. Click the top option. Click Get to download the Arbor App.
Enabling push notifications - Android
You can turn Push Notifications on or off at any time by going to your Settings on your phone. For example, on a Samsung Galaxy S8, go to Settings > Apps > Arbor > Notifications.
Tap the slider to turn Push Notifications on and manage your settings.
Enabling push notifications - IOS
When you download the Arbor App, you will receive a prompt to receive notifications from Arbor. Make sure you select Allow to enable your school to send you push notifications. This will ensure you receive a notification when you have a new In-app message.
If you select Don’t Allow, you can turn Push Notifications back on at any time by going to your Settings on your phone. For example, on an iPhone SE, go to Settings > Arbor > Notifications.
Tap the slider to turn push notifications on and manage your settings. We recommend setting you banner style to Permanent, so it doesn't disapear.
From Parent Portal
To log out, just click the Sign out link at the top-right of your page.
You will also be automatically logged out after a period of two hours of inactivity. If you click back into your Arbor tab just before the time is up, you can choose whether to remain logged in.
From the Arbor App
You will automatically be logged out of the Arbor App after 10 minutes of inactivity. You can also log out by using the logout feature or by closing down the Arbor App completely
Resetting my Password
Having difficulty resetting your password? There's a number of reasons why you may be struggling to log in to the Arbor App or Parent Portal. Use the tips in this article before raising an issue with us: Troubleshooting login issues - why can't I log in to my school's Parent Portal or Arbor App?