The Kingsbrook School

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Whole School Curriculum - KS3

Our curriculum aims are to develop ambitious, resilient, confident and compassionate learners in preparation for their adult life who will be positive members of the community. It promotes the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of all of our students. Our whole school curriculum intent can be viewed on the subject area curriculum frameworks available below.

Students at The Kingsbrook School follow a three-year Key Stage 3 curriculum before making their GCSE options choices during year 9 in preparation for Key Stage 4, which is studied in Year 10 and 11 and leads to GCSEs and other equivalent level 2 qualifications.


Curriculum structure & breadth at Key Stage 3

In Key Stage 3, students at The Kingsbrook School follow a broad and balanced curriculum, designed to give them the foundations to excel in future study. The curriculum promotes modern British values, celebrates diversity and provides an hour a week for students to study Enquiry, a combined subject unique to The Kingsbrook School that delivers important statutory content including personal, social and health education (PSHE), religious education, citizenship and relationships and sex education (RSE), to equip students with the skills and knowledge to participate safely in the world. 

 Breadth of subjects

The core subjects (English, Maths & Science) are supplemented by the foundation subjects in Key Stage 3, namely Art and Design, Computer Science, Design and Technology, Modern Foreign Languages, Geography, History, Music and Physical Education. All students study two modern foreign languages at key stage three - in Year 7 students learn French and in years 8 and 9, students learn French and Spanish as a foundation for future EBacc study. The Performing Arts (Music & Drama) are taught as separate subjects and students study Food Technology, Product Design, Textiles & Graphics in Design and Technology on a carousel in Years 7 through to 9. At The Kingsbrook School, personal, social and health education (PSHE), religious education, citizenship and relationships and sex education (RSE) are predominantly delivered through our bespoke weekly one-hour Enquiry lessons.

Curriculum Structure

At Kingsbrook, we operate a two week timetable cycle which is viewable to parents on The Arbor App. There are five one hour teaching periods each day and, therefore, fifty periods in total per fortnight. A significant proportion of the teaching time at key stage three is devoted to the core subjects of English and Maths. This is to support students in developing the high standards of literacy and numeracy which will underpin their access to the broader curriculum and therefore form a basis for wider learning and high achievement. Key numeracy and literacy skills will be identified to be mastered within each academic year and where mastery of these skills proves to be a challenge to an individual, additional support will be provided to boost progress. The remaining core subject of Science also receives a substantial lesson allocation.

Timetable Allocation

Subject Number of periods per fortnight (Note: 1 period = 1 hour)
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
English 7 7 7
Maths 7 7 7
Science 6 6 6
History 4 4 4
Geography 4 4 4
French 4 3 3
Spanish 0


Computer Science 2 2 2
Art 2 2 2
Physical Education 4 4 4
Technology 4 2 2
Drama 2 2 2
Music 2 2 2
Enquiry 2 2 2
Setting & Mixed Ability Groupings

 With the exception of maths, all subjects in key stage three are entirely delivered to mixed ability groups throughout the course of key stage 3 as educational research proves this is the most effective structure for promoting the progress of all learners, no matter their starting points. In most instances in years 7 and 8, subject lessons are taught in tutor groups which allows for continuity for pupils, support with transition from primary and improves the impact of classroom support provided by our assistant teachers. 

 Curriculum Frameworks & Journeys

Click on the subjects below to review the curriculum content taught in each subject throughout Key Stage 3 & Key Stage 4.

Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1155)