The Kingsbrook School

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GCSE Options

At The Kingsbrook School, we offer a broad range of subjects in Year 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4).

Choosing subjects to study is a thought provoking and sometimes daunting process; Form Tutors, subject teachers, Heads of Year and Senior Leaders are all available to talk students and parents through the options process. Ultimately, the courses your child chooses will equip our pupils with the skills and knowledge to succeed at the end of Year 11 and form the foundation of further studies at A level or their chosen career pathway. 

The documents below will include all information you require to support at home with this process. 

We will continue to add information and links below based on the various options events we hold during the academic year. 

Options 2024-2025 Documents 

These documents are for current year 9 pupils at The Kingsbrook School. The timeline for the options process this year can be found in all document below. 

CLICK HERE: Options Letter to Parents/Carer (27th September 2024)

CLICK HERE: GCSE Options Booklet 2024-2025

CLICK HERE: Options Evening Parent Presentation (28th November 2024)

The Options form for parents and pupils to fill in their final options will be sent out on Friday 24th January 2025. This must be returned by the end of the day on Friday 31st January 2025. 

Key Contact

Mr Atherton (Deputy Headteacher) is responsible for the options process. Please contact him by email -