The Kingsbrook School

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Teaching & Learning

At The Kingsbrook School we believe all children are entitled to an exceptional education.  Our mission is to be a school where everyone achieves and flourishes, guided and motivated by our character.

While many personal, family and cultural factors contribute to students outcomes, a large body of research indicates that what teachers do, know and believe matter more to the achievement of students than anything else we can influence.

Since opening in September 2022, our teachers have carefully crafted the curriculum in each individual subject area to meet our whole school intent; a highly effective curriculum that encourages the development of character and drives the acquisition and retention of knowledge through:

a. Wide breadth of content within disciplines

b. Being oracy-rich, with explicit teaching of academic and specialised vocabulary

c. Incorporating the reading of a wide range of texts

d. Systematic and frequent opportunities for retrieval practice

e. Exposure to varied enrichment and cultural experiences tailored to our context

The quality of education we offer is hugely important to the outcomes of our young people.  It is critical that we successfully implement our curriculum via highly effective teaching, so that all our students achieve their full academic potential and have every opportunity to flourish in future life and learning.

TKS Core

At The Kingsbrook School (TKS), we want to support our teachers to implement the curriculum as effectively and consistently as possible.  TKS CORE outlines the fundamental principles that we believe drive quality first teaching at our school - the 'core' of what we do and what highly-skilled, highly-attuned, effective teaching should be.  It is supportive framework to enable practitioners to make and implement informed pedagogical decisions, and to develop and reflect on their own practice and support that of others.  Put simply, it is what teaching looks like here.

Our TKS CORE is driven by our leading statement which outlines it’s intent, how we drive implementation and how we measure impact.  Beyond this, a summary of our five TKS CORE principles for Teaching and Learning. 

Our teaching is informed by educational research and led by our character.

We deliver adaptive and responsive teaching suitable for all.  This is supported by predictable routines to create an environment where all learners can 'achieve and flourish'.

The impact of this is verified by active evaluation of learning and progress by all.


For Teaching and Learning in The ARC, we have TKS CORE+ which builds on our five core principles to better serve those with higher SEMH needs.  This provides additional, researched informed strategies, adaptations and increased structure, to enhance not only academic progress, but support the wider social, emotional and mental health development.  TKS CORE+ also draws on the expertise of other external professionals involved in our students’ care to meet these more complex needs. 


Our full TKS Core Brochure can be found below: